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EU projekt

EU projekt

Project name “Digitalization vouchers: Voucher for cyber resistant diagnostics” Reference number: NPOO.C1.1.2.R3-I2.01 Short description of the project The main goal, through the activities of the project, is to provide a quality basis for the implementation of the applicant’s future digital…

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EU projekt

EU projekt

Naziv projekta „Unaprjeđenje poslovanja uvođenjem softverskog rješenja i IT opreme“ šifra projekta KK.   Kratki opis projekta Uvođenje suvremenih IKT poslovnih rješenja osnovni je preduvjet za unaprjeđenje poslovnih procesa, stoga je Korisnik putem ovoga projekta nabavio opremu i specijalizirane softvere…

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Posjet ABS Sisak

Posjet ABS Sisak

Hvala našim prijateljima ABS Sisak na stručnom obilasku, prikupljena znanja će nam koristiti u usavršavanju razvojnog okruženja mnogih naših projekata! Check full post on our Facebook and Linkedin page.

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IntelUp will join 8Sigma at METEC

IntelUp will join 8Sigma at METEC

We are pleased to announce that we will be joining 8Sigma at the 10th edition of the world’s largest international trade fair for metallurgy, steel casting and steel production – METEC! The fair will take place in Dusseldorf from 25…

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